Blame vs. Self Responsibility with Personal Power and Reparenting Our Inner Child (VLOG)

There seems to be higher levels of consciousness coming online these days. I see it in my clients, in my community and in myself. More people are becoming increasingly aware of how essential it is to take 100% responsibility for their own emotions. This was actually in my husband and my wedding vows, as we feel it has been and will always be absolutely necessary to maintain a healthy and honest relationship. When we blame others for how we are feeling, we are simply giving out power to them. We wouldn’t let someone tell us how to dress or how to act, so why do we allow them to control our emotional inner states of being?

But what do we do once we decide to take self-responsibility for how we are feeling? There is a process I feel is crucial to bringing yourself back to balance when triggered….and that’s reparenting our inner child. We all have a little boy or a little girl inside of us that is usually the one with the strong emotional reactions and the one that feels triggered. If we put that blame on others, we are never really addressing the root cause of the trigger. And we can’t expect our partner or friend to know when our inner child is triggered and what that little child really needs to hear. It has to come from us.

When we connect with our inner parent to come online to parent our inner child, a whole bunch of realizations can start to surface. How does our inner parent instinctively show up for our inner child? If you find this part of yourself impatient, annoyed or having a hard time staying present with your little one, it’s time to look at that qualities of parenting that we modeled to you. And after that, choosing a new evolved way of parenting that is filled with more of what the little one needs, which is often presence, authenticity and patience. This is easier said than done and you can bet it will take lots of practice. After all, we didn’t get this way overnight. For most of us, we have decades of rewiring to do.

If this topic interests you and you’d like to dive deeper, check out my 4 week online workshop coming up next week, SOMA: Accessing the Subconscious Mind and Inner Child Through the Body. Please use this link for all the details: email me at for details about this or individual phone sessions.

I truly hope this supports you.

Thank you for listening,

Dr. Somer Nicole


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